Thursday, November 22, 2012



I am a Native American descendent from North America.  As a child I visited so 
called Plymouth Rock but not with the understanding that I have today.  I was a Wampanoag 
in my day camp and again not with the full knowledge of who the Wampanoag Nation is.  
I did not learn about my Native American roots until I was a young woman.  
I want my children to know and be thankful for who they are and not become
 so clouded with commercial holiday celebrating. 

My son who is 12 loves to cook and eat good food.   I no longer make an effort to “celebrate Thanksgiving Day” 
as it is typically celebrated.  I feel some responsibility to teach him to think 
independent and not celebrate excessive food consumption, the very thing that 
has made so many Americans sick with food related illnesses.  Yes, we will eat a beautiful  
(turkey-free) meal together as we do everyday.  We will be thankful today as we should
 be everyday for family, good health and for the wisdom to teach our 
children about our history and this day of mourning for Native Americans. 

Photo: My Uncle Kenny "Spotted Eagle"

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